Call for Papers

  Mainland China Studies (MCS) welcomes original research manuscripts in China studies on issues related to politics/security, society, economy, as well as other closely related topics.

  • MCS is a scholarly journal published by Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University every quarter. MCS is indexed in the TSSCI data base.

MCS accepts original manuscripts either in Chinese or in English. Chinese manuscripts should be of 10,000-25,000 words in length and English manuscripts should be of 7,000-10,000 words in length.

Manuscripts should be typed and follow the style sheet of MCS (in the followings). For Chinese and English manuscripts, authors should provide a title, an abstract of 500 words, and five key words in both Chinese and English. For English manuscripts, a manuscript should include a title, an abstract of 300 words, and four key words.

Each author should provide a short biographical statement including information about affiliation and positions held, areas of specialization, the highest degree, and contact information.

Manuscripts submitted to MCS will be reviewed first by the editorial board and then by two (or more) scholars from the relevant field anonymously. Editorial board will make final review before formal publication of manuscripts which pass reviewing process.

No remuneration will be offered. Upon publication, the authors will be post-mailed three complimentary copies of the issues in which the manuscript appears.

MCS does not accept manuscripts that have been published in any form or simultaneously under consideration of other journals. Please browse publication ethics for detailed information.

Author(s)/Contributor(s) hereby grants Mainland China Studies and Institute of International Relations, National ChengChi University a worldwide irrevocable, royalty free, sole and exclusive license to publish and distribute as well as disseminate their contributions, including all copyrights and all secondary and subsidiary right therein, but not limited to reproduction, public recitation, public broadcast, public transmission, public performance, adaptation, editing, dissemination, and sublicense and transferring rights mentioned herein of their contributions in electronic form, paper form, and in all media now known or hereafter discovered.

Research Note and book review are welcome. Size for research note should be of 10,000-25,000 words for Chinese, 7,000-10,000 words for English. Book review should be no more than 3,000 words for Chinese and 1,500 words for English.

Manuscripts should be submitted to